San Carlos de Bariloche Boyz

Stayed at a weird ski lodge… some more wildlife, and realized this was the country obsessed with Fernet Branca! Again, got in a little late after the border crossing and had to wait for the snow and ice to melt before leaving in the AM. We had a long day ahead of us as we planned on going across the entire country.

Osorno Boyz

Got in late, left super early to get to Argentina… stayed at a Sonesta!

Amazing views and the wildlife was everywhere.

Hit the casino and won on someone’s birth day date – twice!!

Plenty of weirdness at this hotel…

Santiago Boyz

Well, with the national holiday which ran from Friday through Monday, there were not a lot of options to get a tire changed,

Which also left us with zero options for dinner – even the hotel restaurant was closed… so?

My first CJr! “If you so smart, how come you don’t know dat?”

Nothing would set the bead, so Alex had to get an Uber and ride out to the barrio…

La Serena Boyz

Well, you could really tell you’re not in the desert anymore… the weather was cold, wet, and gray skies.

At least they fixed up the old lighthouse…

My hotel room door had no number.

For some reason the pool was open… it was 40 degrees out!


Helmetz – La Serena

Earl day on the road, passed through many towns on the way to La Serena. Leaving the Atacama was rather sad given that we really only spent two days there! The scenery changes quite dramatically throughout the day…